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Jan. 31, 2024

5. Dan Baker, President and CEO of the National Peace Corps Association

5. Dan Baker, President and CEO of the National Peace Corps Association

In this fifth episode, we celebrate Dan Baker, President and CEO of the National Peace Corps Association. Nominated by Marv Leroy for embodying the Peace Corps' mission—to foster understanding between Americans and other cultures—Dan has dedicated...

In this fifth episode, we celebrate Dan Baker, President and CEO of the National Peace Corps Association. Nominated by Marv Leroy for embodying the Peace Corps' mission—to foster understanding between Americans and other cultures—Dan has dedicated his life post-Davidson College to international service. The Peace Corps has seen over 200,000 volunteers since 1961 serve in 139 countries; they've learned languages and shared American values worldwide.

Dan shares how a chance encounter with a returned volunteer from Mali shifted his trajectory towards the Peace Corps instead of corporate America or law school. His journey began as an education volunteer in Bolivia in 1999 and evolved into various roles within the organization over two decades.

He reflects on technological advancements that transformed communication for volunteers abroad and discusses how Peace Corps initiatives have influenced global aid approaches through grassroots collaboration.

The National Peace Corps Association now champions expansion efforts while supporting returnees with career development needs or those recovering from service-related trauma. Dan emphasizes that despite changing times, volunteers' spirit remains driven by altruism, adventure, and sacrifice.

For young people considering joining today's Peace Corps: it's not for everyone but can be incredibly rewarding if you're up for challenging yourself beyond your perceived limits.

To support the National Peace Corps Association—one needn't be a former volunteer—membership is free though contributions keep them thriving. Their work underscores peace-building both internationally and domestically through ongoing community engagement efforts across America.

Closing out our dialogue with gratitude towards Dan Baker—a true north star—we invite listeners interested in nominating exceptional nonprofit leaders to visit our website.
Join us next time on Nominate Your Nonprofit North Star podcast where stories like Dan’s continue to inspire action toward making a difference globally.